
Monday, September 27, 2010

Speech Problem

I don't know how to say this properly, but here goes:

This started a few years ago and it slowly go worse over the past for years, not only is it my speech but also my memory (which kinda makes since, becuase your memory has to do with your speech). What happens is, sometimes when I talk, I would say word(s) in a sentence that does not belong, and it's not what your thinking.

It'll be a complete random word or a mad up word and it has been happening more and more often, to the point where I can barely say anything except jibberish. My vocaulary isn't as good as it used to and I only say basic sentances, using basic words., the shorter the sentence, the less likely for this problem to happen. This hardly ever happens when I type, mostly just when I speak becuase when I type, I have lots of time to say what I want to say and I can correct it, but I just can't say things professionally since my vocabulary isn;t that great now and I can't put words together as well.

Yesterday, I was talking to my Dad about how when he moves my car, he changes my settings (seat, mirrors etc) and I was saying how he "complicates my car" to his setting but dosen;t change it back to the way it was.  It makes no sense (even to me, but at least I know what I mean) but my Dad just accepts what I say, it's the same for my my Mom and my Sister, probably becuase their used to it. Other times when I speak, it's not only a wrong word, other times it's complete mad up word out of nowhere, something or one word, sometimes it's a few, occasionally, it's a whole sentence. I tried to explain this problem with my folks but I couldn't explain it correctly and they say there is nothing wrong with me. You know how sometimes someones mixes a word for a word with similar meaning or switches two words together in their sentences? They think that's what I'm trying to tell them, but it's not. It's really frustrating!

I did some thinking awhile ago and notice how my eye sight has gotten worse in the past few years. I used to have great eye sight, now how to wear glasses  (at least for driving) thing far away arn't as clear. This also started happening the same time my speech problem started, and slowly gotten wose over the years. I am certain that it has to do with the same problem.

What's really frustrating is that I can't strike up a decent conversation, even if I wanted to becuase of this problem, and I never know when it's going to happen until the seond it does. That and my mind just gets jammed for words. So, there are long pauses becuase I got to think long and hard for words to put together a decent sentence I want to say and try to say it correctly. There are lots of oh's and uh's while I wait for the correct brain to get unjammed to say one word correctly.

Problem was believed to be MS but doesn't appear to be so. Could be caused by consuming microwaved foods after a long period of time.

1 comment:

  1. My wife is trying to get an asperger's diagnosis at the moment and so much of what you say rings true. Please don't forget that despite the difficulties you may have with making sense of the world and us NT's, aspies have a great gift of honesty and an intelligence which sparkles and illuminates a sometimes drab universe. Have you read Apergirls?


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