
Thursday, January 19, 2012

What Causes Someone Brain To Degrade And Eyesight To Decrease

I'll make this short and simple.

Brain gets fogged, happening more and more overtime.
~ Forgetting the name of objects, replacing with wrong word or made up word, usually multiple per sentence, speaking sentence partly gibberish and last a couple hours straight.
        ~ Like calling a chimney a tee-pee or calling a floor tile a motor mouth. (just to name a few examples).
~ What trying to ask questions, questions come out completely wring and/or unrelated, such as seeing someone with a funny facial expression and asking why they have two heads.
~ Unable to understand what is being said or what you are reading, even basic things.
~ Mind often goes blank, can't even speak, if try to.
      ~ Unable to think, speak, or turn your head; dead to the world.
~ Short term memory loss (often).
      ~ Getting a cartoon from the first to put out temporally to get another one, and forget about it seconds after you taken it out.

Eyesight started to decrease slowly, around the same time. Could have something to do with the brain, or something elsewhere to cause to brain to malfunction.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Health Update

I just figured out what's causing my health to decrease (speech acting up, memory loss, eye sight decrease etc) and maybe my canker sores have something to do with it.

Up until a year ago, I would eat a lot of microwave foods, usually on a daily basis. A microwave oven nukes all nutrition. and everything all out of the food and replaces it with a small does of radiation, not enough to harm someone, BUT if you it microwaved foods quite a bit, that adds up. I always wondered why food tastes different heated in the microwave. The radiation stays in your body for quite awhile.

For years I would heat up stuff in the microwave, such as mostly winners and frozen Lasagna a lot. When I was in Grade 11, I notice that my eye sight had somewhat decreased, and soon my speech was messing up, and I thought it was a form of tourrettes Syndrome (maybe it is, caused by the microwave).

I learned about the microwave and how harmful it is and stopped using it late last year; haven't used it since. I also notice that almost a month after I stopped using it, that I get canker sores one after another, mostly bad ones. Could be a coincidence.

I had canker sores all my life, but would only get them 1-2 times a year, now I get them 1-2 a month and when they heal, it's only for a day or two. I've spent over 90% of this year with canker sores.

I also found out, that the Government denied any testing to say whether microwave ovens were safe or not. When you eat food prepared by the microwave, you get nothing from it, so you are just eating to eat, and soon later you start feeling hungry again dn start snacking on things.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Speach Problem Update

I had a conversation in my head the other night, I do this sometimes when my mind wonders. As I was having a conversation, I've noticed my spech problem. I didn't speak much jiberish, it was mostly my brian freezing up when trying to say something to nothing come out at all. It was really frustrating even though it wasn' really taken place but justto think about it. I wanted to say somthing that was really important and I didn't  stand a chance, at least to say it properly.

I had discovered on my own that it all has to o with he way my brain process things and my brain can easily get overloaded. But why this only happened in the past few years, I'm not sure. I am still trying to get to the bottom of it, and I will do my very best to do that. Everything is all related, the speech problem, short term memory problem etc. I just hope it isn't something life threatening. At least it's something that is getting worse slowly, in years not months or weeks. I have time to find out what it is. I also seem to notice that it happens more at home, maybe that is just a coincidence, probably because I take more at home.

I examine how different mine is to everyone elses, how well they can speak. My sister can speak very well and what I mean by this is that she has no problem choosing words or processing what is being said to her. I, on the other had do. Sometimes I have to have people repeat what they say a couple times.

Th problem with my sister and folks is that for example if I say I do that a couple of times, it doesn't stand out, they will make up a solution like "ya, so do I" it doesn't register through their mind that I said a couple of times as in like a few times a day and more then usual. They always seem to have a answer to help keep me from finding out my problem because they believe I am chasing a ghost. The reason is, because they don't pay attention. Hearing, paying attention and listening or different things. If thy paid more attention and listened to what I had to say, they would notice the problem right away, just like other people do.

I remember before this all started, I had perfect vision, I could see better then most could. I never had a brain overload or speech problem and could say whatever I wanted, with no problem whatsoever. My two main concerns are, what caused it and how can I fix it?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Explaining My Problem, What Do I Have?

Speech Problem.

Most times when I speak, it is  such a struggle, and when I do mess up, it sounds like I'm on drugs or something. My parents don't notice because they are probably to used to it to notice or block it out so they don't notice. When I'm in public and it happens, people DO notice and stare and give me bad looks. Explaining things is where I have the most trouble and it's so hard to explain. It's like my mind is bogged down most of the time and words are scrambled in my head, kinda like. When my mind is bogged, I can barely say anything, I can't think, it's like it's in a jam. When I speak, it is not what I want to say. When I think of what I what to say and say it, I say things that aren't intelligent as I pictured it in my head. I only get out 1/10th of the info out if I'm lucky.

A lot of time, I speak and try and say sentences, I speak like I have a poor vocabulary and I'm someone who doesn't know English but only words and pretending to speak proper English aka gibberish. When I try to explain, things, people don't understand exactly what I'm trying to say to them. I don't give them the full effect of my speech when I do, so only half of what I said or less was useful. It is extremely frustrating.

I make comments like "genuine curry down the toilet" or "presents make for colorful trees". These are some good examples. Pretty much most of the sentence hardly has anything to do with what I'm actually trying to say. These happen pretty much on a daily basis and happen a few times a day.

The problem started when I was in high school (around 2006) and I noticed that it has slowly gotten worse over the years.

Memory problem:

I am not sure when my memory problem has started or even if I had for many years. I have a very good longtime memory but usually my short term memory is very bad, so much that if I take a cartoon of milk out of the fridge and turn around to get something, I forget about it.

Eye Sight:

I've noticed that my eyesight has gotten bad around the same times as my speech problem. I remember every now and then look at the digital clock on the stove and comparing over the years how my eye sight have gotten. I now require glasses to drive, when I was younger I had perfect vision. When I look at the TV, it seems more blurry then before. Every now and then, I look at something and compare my eyesight to how it was before and try to take note of how my eyesight gets worse in so much of time. Sometimes when I read, I see words that aren't there, I have to re read the sentence to read it right.


For a few years, I have been more itchy then before. I don't know if this is related to my problem, but I seem to be itchy more then before. Usually I'm only itchy on one spot at a time, other times I itchy in different spots at the time.


Every now and then, I feel really weak and tired and I feel like someone who has aged, a lot. Mostly it is the weakness, I sit down and I just feel like I'm drained of my energy. This only happens every few weeks or so. Doesn't happen too often. This weakness has been happening for a few years and last approx 40 minutes usually. I'm not sure if this is related to the problem.

That's all I can say for now.

At first I thought it was MS (Multiple Sclerosis) now, I believe it could be from eating microwaved foods. When I was in high school, I started to eat a lot of food heated in the microwave, like at least once a day. Probably around when I started the have these problems. I know it's a problem with how my brain process things. I need to know what this is and how to fix it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Canker Sores

Ever since I was very young, I have gotten canker sores usually a couple times a year. They re usually very painful and last a few day sometimes a couple weeks.

Canker sore are usually caused by stress, allergy or strong mood changes, like if one were to get real depressed for awhile, that could bring on a sore tongue.
© The Life of An Aspie (2010)